Poem of the Day: The Great War Between Privilege and Truth
Different is not wrong.
Different is not wrong.
I must say it to myself again.
Different is not wrong.
I say it,
but do not feel it.
I wish I did.
I wish I understood.
I wish a lot of things
that never come to light.
Different is not wrong.
There is no north or south
in the universe, in space.
No top, bottom,
down or up.
There is no "upper class"—
not in the way they think of it, anyway.
"Upper-class" is just another word,
a noun.
A name used in place of a listing of people.
Not an adjective.
Different is not wrong.
Upper-class doesn't exist.
I am above no one.
Yet still, I do not feel it.
So I'll be saying it for all of eternity.
Different is not wrong.
Different is not wrong.